Welcome to WitZar, the true name of
the Institute!
Since the dawn of humanity, man has been deeply associated with
nature, both the world around him and his inner nature. We lived in
perfect harmony with myth.
No society has ever been created that did not have a horizontal
(a social order) and a vertical structure (a link to the gods). The
king and the prophet represented the guardians of these structures. In
Christian myth, Christ, the anointed one, merged the two principles. A descendant
of David and Aaron, he ended up on the cross, marking the junction
between the vertical and horizontal axes. But society is such that
separating the two proved inevitable at a certain point in history. At
that moment, something must appear that will allow us to once more
travel in the dream world.
The Collector has travelled in the dream world, fought demons, opened
secret doors, surmounted unimaginable ordeals,
as so many travellers have done before him and will do after him.
He has returned from his travels with the collection you see in the Surnateum,
a museum devoted to exploring the dream world, the heritage of
sensitives and sorcerers.
WitZar, a tool for combating mind-deadening materialist, rationalist
and scientistic thought,
includes a martial arts room - that says it all. The adepts of
zetetics have declared war on the world of dreams and the imagination; WitZar
is our response to those individuals. To prove that everything is false,
they advance their pitiful, fifth-rate conjurers; we respond with
artists and storytelling magicians capable of demonstrating just how
empty the material world is. One
illusion to fight another illusion. And what better virtual
battlefield could there be than the so-called virtual universe that is
the Internet. As you now understand, travelling in the world of dreams
means travelling within oneself, into the deepest realms of one's
subconscious. The Institute's motto is: Know thyself and you shall
know the universe and the gods. The Museum of Supernatural History
is therefore just as much a surrealist work as it is a fantastical
universe; it is also a tool for sensitives travelling through Alcheringa.
A few numbers: In traditional societies, there are one or two
sensitives in each village. It is the sensitive who will become the
shaman or sorcerer, with this number rising considerably amongst the
Australian aborigines, hence our permanent relationship with Alcheringa.
In the West, there is maybe one true sensitive per million people. There
are more intuitives, perhaps one per ten thousand.
Nevertheless, scarcity implies quality, and the sensitives detected
and trained at WitZar are particularly powerful.
The Institute's course of study has nine
The first five levels will allow you to explore your dreamtime, while
the following levels will enable you to access the universal dream. The
Institute does not, under any circumstances, replace a normal programme
of studies, but supplements it and corrects any failings imparted by
that system. Each level does not correspond to a specific amount of
time, but to the acquisition of a different level of consciousness.
According to some aboriginal groups, man possesses two spirits, the mipi
and the ngorntal. Man is born with these two spirits, but the ngorntal leaves
him around the age of 18 months when the fontanel seals off. From that
point on, the dreamtime is the only place where the mipi can meet
up with the ngorntal and it is only by them meeting up that
access to Alcheringa becomes possible (the two spirits meet up
permanently again at death). This travel is the foundation of the work
done at the Institute.
Level 1: Alcheringa (entering the Dream and Meeting the Totem)
Level 2: Guinen (Meeting Allies and Ancestors)
Level 3: Voyage to the Centre of the Earth (Earth Allies)
Level 4: Lumen (Water, Fire and Air Allies)
Level 5: Chöd, the Mirror and the Guardian of the Threshold
Level 6: Taming the Dragon
Level 7: Abyss
Level 8: The Return of the Firebird
Level 9: Study of the Liber Oneiromicon
No drugs or psychotropics are used in any of our experiments, only
sound (drums, mantras, chanting, etc.).
Any adversaries encountered in the dreamtime must be
vanquished; every gate has a guardian.
Every adversary vanquished in Alcheringa must present you with a gift,
a key or become an ally. The ordeals and trials faced may take any form.
CAUTION: The chöd is the most dangerous experiment of all; it
can be deadly and must always be carried out in the presence of a dream
Through these teachings, we touch on the common language of humanity.
Training in the arts of illusion, martial arts and the practice of the
arts in general and one in particular complete the course of studies.
The Institute's programme also develops the imagination and creativity,
placing special emphasis on fantastic and visionary literature.