Dream Explorers
A Word from the Collector

We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.
(Prospero, in The Tempest, by William Shakespeare)

When a being dreams of the world, he modifies the reality around him. When a people dream of the world, then myth and reality mingle, and the dream creates the world. That is the case with alcheringa, the Austrialian Aboriginal dreamtime in which each individual travels and meets those who share the same dream. And the richer the dreamer is in the myths of dream, the freer he is to move along the songlines and travel in the shared dream. The old Aboriginal dreamers can dream of all of Australia.
Dream and be dreamt!
A concept which has virtually disappeared from our civilisations, replaced by the nightmare of 'output'. Have you ever noticed that any Far Right or Far Left system starts by eliminating the dreamers from the group it is trying to subjugate. For the dreamers alone pose a real threat to their illusory world. Nazis, Bolsheviks, Communists, Capitalists, Imperialists, Taliban, Wheeler-Dealers - the list is long and certainly incomplete of those who steal the dreams of individuals and replace them with their nightmares.
Come on, let's consume! Drugs, alcohol, religions, cults, tawdry illusions in plastic and tin; replace your dreams and your power with the chimaera and coquecigrues of advertising, for they cannot exist without you. "Let yourself be dominated by Big Brother's eye", scream TV and computer screens at us day after day. And yet, in the evening, after a day spent working in a mind-numbing job, after turning off the noisy machines that deaden your sense and just before sinking into a dreamless sleep, you will sometimes feel an extremely short spark of lucidity light up our true nature as dreamers. And then a single tear slides down our collective cheek, a solitary testament to the failure of our existence.
And yet, it takes so very little to wake up a sleeping child avant qu'il ne reste plongé à tout jamais dans le coma !
Lucid dreamers fight to avoid falling into the nightmare trap, for when the awakening comes, the flashback would be an endless into an anonymous abyss. Lucifer never got back up…
The Aboriginal dream society has been around for at least 40,000 years and has never had to 'evolve'. Which one of our civilisations could say the same?
You have entered the inner sanctum of the Surnateum, our society's dream, the waystation between the real and the unreal, between two worlds which have coexisted for thousands of years. Your imagination may well be intact, but for how much longer if you let it founder?
Welcome to Alcheringa! Welcome to WitZar!