The Department of Unknown Artefacts and Infernal Machines
investigates objects which have not yet been identified as well
as a time machine built in 1910 by Nicolas Tesla.
While in operation, the time machine generates
considerable disruptions in the fabric of
time. Utmost caution is required.
(This is a time communicator built in 1910 and subsequently restored on
several occasions (around 1930 and again in 1995). It has
already caused serious disruptions in our reality.)
- Brussels World's Fair 1910
- Map of the World's Fair
- Documents
- Temporiscope (Text and Objects)
- Equipment (AI/MI/TT1-1-5)
- Time Experiments
- Nicolas Tesla
- Professor De Walque (AI/MI/TT-dw1-2)
- Documents
- Prior to destruction
- After destruction
- Response to the second experiment
- Quarantine Section
- On the
Correct Usage of Infernal Machines